The Magic Bean Company was created in 1994 at my kitchen table, in an apartment in Los Angeles, inspired by colorful glassware and vintage designs.
I brought my first hand painted candle holders in a picnic basket into upscale boutiques, got some feedback from buyers as I had no knowledge of the retail business other than being a compulsive shopper. My degree is in Theater and Literature, never studied art or business, and in presenting my work, I didn’t know the difference between a purchase order or an invoice, though from my acting background I was good at improvisation and “auditioning”. I cold called stores, asked to speak to the “owner”, schlepped my picnic basket in and took orders for my candle holders. This lead to re-orders, referrals and me jumping up and down a lot.
I was very inspired and excited to receive such a wonderful response, guidance and enthusiasm from store owners/buyers. Soon everything began to flow - paint brushes were on sale, I literally dreamt of colors, patterns, and combinations. Soon orders and re-orders started coming in and my line started growing like magic beans!
My mom called me “Bean” as a kid. I needed an official business name as my one woman show was growing so fast, thus The Magic Bean Company took form - moving from the kitchen table to a large bakery warehouse studio, then to a home based sunlit studio in my house in Valley Glen California looking out at a sweet giant orange tree and a lush colorful rose garden.
I still make my living as an actress as well with more than thirty national & regional commercials, episodic TV credits such as “Beverly Hills 90210”, “Doogie Howser”, “Days of Our Lives”, “The Young and the Restless”, and the official online voice for PayPal International.
My hand crafted work is sold in fine craft galleries, boutiques and museum stores across the USA, Canada, Tokyo, Fortnum & Mason in London and through my website, or join our group on Facebook for news and new product under The Magic Bean Company. Lainey Hashorva, Queen Bean